NASA HQ: Mary W. Jackson


Commemorative portrait celebrating the renaming of NASA’s DC headquarters in honor of Mary W. Jackson, the pioneering engineer and mathematician who was the agency’s first Black female engineer and part of the West Area Computing pool that helped put Americans on the moon.

Having begun her career with NASA in the segregated unit of the agency’s Langley Research Center, Mary went on to help in the hiring and promotion of women and POC in NASA’s STEM careers. She was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in 2019 and depicted by Janelle Monáe in the film, Hidden Figures.

The series of artworks created by six female DC artists will be present at the renaming ceremony held at NASA HQ on Feb. 26th, 2021, and hang permanently in the Mary Jackson Neighborhood Center, which will be built in Hampton, Virginia.

CURATOR: Jinhee Kim
RELEASE: February 2021

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